Everyone would agree that it’s so good to see that the push for sustainability pro-actively led by the United Nations has retailers setting sustainability goals and publicly advocating for achieving them.
A prominent example are these Nordstrom recently released goals:
Nordstrom 2025 Environmental Sustainability Goals
Set a science-based target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Reduce single-use plastic by 50%
Use sustainably sourced raw materials in 50% of Nordstrom Made products made of polyester, cotton and cellulosic fibers
Extend the life of 250 tons of clothing
Ensure 15% of all product is considered sustainable
Donate $1M to support textile recycling innovation
James&Co has been working really hard over the recent years to be the supplier of always-popular leather look outerwear that is both vegan and sustainable. And the supplier that retailers can trust.
For retailers who currently stock and sell faux/vegan leather outerwear – James&Co can help you achieve your Sustainability Goals of sourcing sustainable raw materials and ensuring you are purchasing sustainable products. Just some of the reasons why we’d welcome you talking to us:
our constant monitoring or developments in fabrics to replace toxic traditional PU faux/vegan leather results in our tailoring only in sustainable and vegan leather alternatives. Lab-grown eco vegan leather, Pinatex pineapple leather, and on the way is cactus vegan leather. We are also closely watching other innovations including apple leather, wine leather and more cork leather
we have published a book explaining why retailers need to end sourcing faux/vegan leather outerwear made in traditional PU – not just for sustainable reasons but also regulatory reasons
we are Peta-approved Vegan as well as a Certified B Corp so we are independently certified as trustworthy.
Retailers in Europe are leading the way in non-toxic vegan leather due to regulatory issues and their expectation that traditional PU leather will ultimately be banned.
For retailers everywhere – let’s all be sustainable leaders!
Did you also know that 88% of consumers expect suppliers and retailers to help them make the right sustainable choices? The sustainability leadership covers the entire supply chain.
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