James&Co Set Up For Donations To International Association For Suicide Prevention

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As the James&Co business of pioneering sustainable vegan letherfashion classics grows we are so pleased to commit to a way to meet one of our of mission objectives:

  • no animal or animal-derived fabrics for our products and
  • more sustainable fabrics for our products which have no restricted chemicals and minimal environmental health and safety (EHS) impact
  • contribute to raising awareness of mental health and suicide prevention initiatives

That is, the mission of contributing to raising awareness of mental health and suicide prevention initiatives.

stop suicide banner

The reason for this mission is because the genesis for the James&Co business was the death by suicide of the founder’s son James. Hence the name of the company. A beautiful young man who ended his life at the age of 24. We include this in our James&Co story

Around the world, the rates of suicide continue to rise rather than decline. In Australia alone, since the mid-2000s numbers of deaths by suicide in Australia have increased to about 3,000 Australians dying by suicide each year. That is more than 8 people die each day by suicide. And the rate of men dying by suicide is significantly higher than women – the male suicide rate is around 3–4 times that of the female rate.

The International Assocation For Suicide Prevention is a not-for-profit dedicated to preventing suicide and suicidal behaviour and to alleviate its effects. IASP leads the global role in suicide prevention by strategically developing an effective forum that is proactive in creating strong collaborative partnerships and promoting evidence-based action in order to reduce the incidence of suicide and suicidal behaviour.

Amongst all the wonderful work this organisation has been doing for the cause since its creation, it is responsible for the launch of World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) on 10 September with the endorsement of the World Health Organisation (WHO). 10 September each year is now designated as a way of focussing attention on the problems of suicide worldwide.

world suicide prevention day

It is such an global issue-raising collaborative exercise that in September 2021 the 31st World Congress of Suicide Prevention and Intervention will be held on the Gold Coast, Australia. 21-24 September. The founder of James&Co will indeed be registering for attendance.

Gold Coast 31st World Congress on Suicide Prevention & Intervention

Going forward, for all orders for a James&Co products, a $1 donation will be made to IASP. We welcome retailers placing bulk orders so a sizeable donation can be made.

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